05-11-2021, 02:25 PM
Buongiorno, abbiamo modificato la cartella Immagini presente in usr/share/ rimuovendo le scritte in quanto adesso che abbiamo inserito Roma come pretty_name sono diventate obsolete. Crediamo di aver fatto una cosa gradita, inoltre abbiamo inserito un maggior numero di wallpapers, vi ricordiamo che saranno comunque gestiti da Variety, l'icona la trovate sulla barra in basso a destra.
Hello, we have modified the Immagini folder in usr / share / removing the writings as now that we have entered Rome as pretty_name they have become obsolete. We believe we have done something nice, we have also added a greater number of wallpapers, we remind you that they will still be managed by Variety, the icon can be found on the bar at the bottom right.
Hello, we have modified the Immagini folder in usr / share / removing the writings as now that we have entered Rome as pretty_name they have become obsolete. We believe we have done something nice, we have also added a greater number of wallpapers, we remind you that they will still be managed by Variety, the icon can be found on the bar at the bottom right.